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5 simple ways to reduce environmental toxins

Environmental toxins can wreak absolute havoc with our hormones and overall reproductive health. The good news is that, even though we won't be able to escape them completely, there are lots of simple ways to reduce our exposure. Here are my 5 top tips that you can implement today to give your hormones a break and help boost your fertility:

1. Drink filtered water

We're so lucky that we can drink tap water without worrying about any serious consequences. However, that doesn't mean that tap water is clean. Chlorine, heavy metals, pesticides. microplastics and medications (yep) amongst other chemicals have been known to end up in our water supply, all of which are detrimental to our reproductive and overall health.

2. Choose organic produce

Eating organic fruit and veg can significantly reduce your exposure to pesticides, which are known to impact hormonal health and fertility and both men and women. If you are unable to buy organic, soak your produce in a water and baking soda mix (1tsp baking soda in 2 cups of cold water) fore 15 minutes to remove as many pesticides as possible.

3. Swap plastic food and drinks containers for glass or stainless steel containers. Storing (and heating!) foods and drinks in plastic containers may result in the chemicals found within the plastic to leach into your foods, causing hormonal disruption.

4. Switch to natural care and cleaning products

What goes on our skin tends to also go into our bodies. Sadly, most personal care products you can buy in the supermarket are brimming with a cocktail of chemicals. The same applies for cleaning products and even though you hopefully don't let these come in contact with your skin, you're probably breathing in the fumes.

5. Embrace house plants

Filling your home with some air purifying plants doesn't only look awesome but it also helps to reduce air pollutants in your home. My faves are pothos, spider plants, snake plants, peace lillies, chinese evergreens and areca palms.

Are you overwhelmed with all the nutrition and lifestyle advice that is out there? I'd love to help you cut through the noise. Get in touch today to find out how we can work together to help you reach your goals.

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