One thing I will work on with every single client (no exceptions) is their gut health. Why? Because our gut underpins every single aspect of our overall health. And it's super important for our fertility, particularly if you have PCOS.
But before we dig into that a little bit more, here are a few cool facts about your gut that you may not have known:
- The collection of bacteria, viruses and fungi that live in your gut (also known as the gut microbiome) weighs approximately 2 kg, or as much as the human brain!
- Your gut is home to approximately 5000 different species of bacteria, all of them with different roles to play. Some of these bacteria are beneficial, while others are pathogenic - balance is key!
- An estimated 70-80% of your immune system calls your gut home. A balanced and healthy gut microbiome supports not only the development of immune cells, but also the refinement of immune responses. In short, it keeps you fighting fit!
So why is gut health important for PCOS?
Recent research suggests that the gut microbiome composition in women with PCOS is altered (in the sense that it is not very diverse, and we LOVE diversity in the gut) when compared to women who don't suffer with the condition. Ensuring that we nurture our gut microbiome by encouraging it to thrive and diversify is therefore crucial if we want to reduce PCOS symptoms.
So what can we do to nurture our gut microbiome?
The gut microbiome is a fragile entity that is easily ruffled and disrupted. Sadly, the world we live in these days is full of things that can knock our gut health out of whack. So when it comes to nurturing our gut health, it's as much about the things that we do, as it is about the things that we don't do
Here are some of my favourite things to do to show your gut health some love. This is by no means an exhaustive list but a great starting point:
Embrace probiotic and prebiotic foods
Avoid too much sugar and highly processed foods
Increase your fibre intake
Avoid exposure to environmental toxins
Prioritise your oral health
For more detailed information on the importance of gut health for PCOS, and practical inspiration and guidance on how you can implement these changes and make them a part of your daily life, download my free 9 page gut health booklet (including a super handy checklist that you can print and pop on your fridge) here!